Sunday, September 9, 2012

McMarketing: Creative Campaigns of the Golden Arches

Savvy companies are constantly on the hunt for creative ways to break through the clutter of advertising consumers are bombarded with on a daily basis. According to Nielson data, the average US adult is exposed to roughly 1,600 advertising messages per day by way of TV, radio, internet, print or other assorted outlets. For a company with a pretty pedestrian list of offerings, fast food giant McDonalds sure knows how to cut through all of the noise and reach consumers with unique and creative messages. Here are a few of my favorites:

1. In Warsaw Poland, McDonalds integrated their menu into a train station's timetable. While checking the time remaining until the next train arrived, travelers could also see how many McDonalds products they could consume in that period of time.

2. In New Zealand, McDonalds had a limited-time offer product called Shaker Fries- the original McDonalds recipe with added seasoning sprinkled on top. To increase product awareness, McDonalds added vibrating rumble strips that would shake the car as the consumer went through the drive-thru. Talk about getting attention!

3. McDonalds teamed up with partner Coca-Cola for this clever production- regular Coke product was advertised on the stairs and Diet Coke was advertised on the escalator. During busy commute times people may not pick up on the humor, however a clever idea regardless!

4. Nebraskans had the opportunity to get a free McDonalds coffee voucher if they could successfully navigate this 42-acre, 90 minute corn maze. The only downside to this advertisement is that the creative maze artwork was only visible to birds, planes, skydivers and the like.

5. To advertise the franchises open 24-hours, McDonalds put up this reflective billboard that was only visible as cars drove by at night. Although the advertisement is blank and consequently useless during the day, it successfully drives customers at night. Since McDonalds is not usually a dining destination people make plans to frequent late at night, this advertisement works to drive incremental sales from those customers with the late-night food cravings on the road.

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